Hipzu 39
Índia , New Delhi

czosnek1 38
Polônia, Jawor

romsnilona 45 & 45
Checa, República, Praha

dyljescrane 30 & 30
EUA, Westville

lsmd87 37 & 37
Suécia, Norrkoping

IENA89 35
Itália , Varese

jj.lindgren 38 & 38
Suécia, Goteborg

Rotciv 32
Brasil , Sao Paulo

Funcouple19 33 & 33
EUA, Carrollton
Perfil de LuluLeigh
Principais Infos
- Eu sou:
- Homem
- Mulher
- Idade:
- 43
- 35
- Signo do zodíaco:
- Leão
- Touro
- País:
- Reino Unido
- Região:
- Wiltshire
- Cidade:
- Warminster
Procurando um
- Gênero
- MulherBissexual
- Idade:
- 22 - 42
- País:
- Reino Unido
- Região:
- —
- Cidade:
- —
Sobre mim
We're an open couple looking for open minded
women to have no strings fun with. I'm a girl
that likes girls and my lovely boyfriend is
happy for me to have fun with girls away from
him if I wish. But I like men too, so would
really like to find girl to share so that I can enjoy
both sexes at the same time :)
Her: I'm a 24 year old female that's very open minded in the bedroom (and out of it). Just tell me what you like and I'll tell you whether I'm up for it!
Looking to be able to continue having fun with ladies even though I'm with a lovely man now. He is a fantastic man-toy so ideally I'd like to involve him too. I can't think of a more exciting idea than having both a man and a woman to play with! I want to explore. . .
Him: 32 year old man, very open minded and very attentive to the needs of a woman (specifically mine). Likes almost anything in the bedroom and has always been up for anything new I suggest. He is well trained and physically fit so has never let me down ;) Happy to share him. . . especially when it means I get a new playmate too.
women to have no strings fun with. I'm a girl
that likes girls and my lovely boyfriend is
happy for me to have fun with girls away from
him if I wish. But I like men too, so would
really like to find girl to share so that I can enjoy
both sexes at the same time :)
Her: I'm a 24 year old female that's very open minded in the bedroom (and out of it). Just tell me what you like and I'll tell you whether I'm up for it!
Looking to be able to continue having fun with ladies even though I'm with a lovely man now. He is a fantastic man-toy so ideally I'd like to involve him too. I can't think of a more exciting idea than having both a man and a woman to play with! I want to explore. . .
Him: 32 year old man, very open minded and very attentive to the needs of a woman (specifically mine). Likes almost anything in the bedroom and has always been up for anything new I suggest. He is well trained and physically fit so has never let me down ;) Happy to share him. . . especially when it means I get a new playmate too.
Sobre Meu Par
Looking for another girl to have a little fun and experimentation with. I love women and the difference in touch and feel compared to a man, so much more sensual. My boyfriend is very understanding with this and is open minded to me being with another girl. But I'd really like to find somebody that we could both have fun with. No strings for you, just great unadulterated fun.
- Constituição:
- Atlético/tonificado
- Esbelto
- Consumo de álcool :
- Bebe regularmente
- Bebe pouco/socialmente
- Educação :
- Nível superior incompleto
- Pós-graduado
- Origem étnica :
- Cor dos olhos:
- Azul
- Marrom
- Pelos faciais :
- Barbeado
- Cor do cabelo :
- Loiro escuro
- Loiro escuro
- Comprimento do cabelo :
- Curto
- Muito longo
- Altura :
- Dote masculino :
- Maior que a média
- Estado civil :
- Em um relacionamento
- Em um relacionamento
- Ocupação :
- Militar
- Medicina
- Tabagismo :
- Renda anual:
- Tamanho dos seios:
- Tamanho E
- Dominação :
- Alojamento: